Welcome to the Westhill High School Summer Reading webpage, where you can learn about the summer reading requirements, discover recommended reads, gain access to our digital library, and learn about summer reading opportunities with the public library!
Summer reading is part of the English Language Arts curriculum at Westhill High School. It provides students with the opportunity to select and read books they enjoy with the added benefit of expanding their knowledge base and building language skills. Research confirms that when students choose their own books, they are more likely to read them and more likely to do additional reading, particularly over the summer months. Below are the requirements for English students at Westhill High School:
English Regents students: at least 2 books of their choice
English 9 Honors students: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart and at least 1 book of their choice
English 10 Honors students: Scythe by Neal Schustermann and at least 1 book of their choice
AP English students: David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell and a memoir of their choice (see Google Classroom; use code: d3q6w3b)
OCC English students: at least 2 books of their choice, with one of those two books being nonfiction
Reading Recommendations & Resources
Some ways to discover an age appropriate book this summer:
Books may be labeled or shelved with “Young Adult” or “YA” books. YA books are generally written for ages 12-18. Books may be labeled or shelved with “Teen” books.
Explore the resources below.
Google the words "young adult" and the name of the genre that you are interested in exploring.
Visit Onondaga Free Library and talk with the librarians there!

Read Alike Slideshow
Explore some of the most popular books at WHS and our region, and find books that are similar!
Check out this resource that is free for patrons of any Onondaga Country public library. Take a look at the menu on the right, and check out the Read Alike tool or browse books using the "Young Adult" link!

Epic Reads, from HarperCollins Publishers, is a book nerd's paradise! Find information on new books, take a look at themed book lists, take quizzes to match you with your perfect book, and read and watch reviews and book trailers!

Each year, the Children's Book Council provides lists of favorite books for students in grades 9-12.

Check out the books that will be part of the 2024-2025 season of Battle of the Books, and get started reading today!

This incredible resource has read alike lists and searching, recommended reading lists, lists based on the mood of the book, and genre lists, among many, many other resources. This is Ms. Regitano's favorite! To gain access to this tool, be sure to have your Onondaga Free Library card handy.